Someone Perfect for Mr. Moore Page 5
“Oh, Stella, I love you.” Lucy said as she lifted the cup to her lips, she returned Stella’s grin as she set the cup back down.
“Cook made you pancakes this morning princess.” Stella said and was rewarded with a big grin from Reggie. “How about you Lucy, what would you like for breakfast?”
“Oh…I think pancakes sound perfect, maybe with a little fruit on them?” Lucy replied.
“I think we can do that.” Stella smiled as she smoothed a few curls off Reggie’s forehead and gave her a kiss. The child was talking non-stop; she had never opened up to a stranger like this before. Lucy was the first person that Reggie had spoken to, well other than family or staff. Stella had a feeling that Lucy was going to be good for all of them. “So where are you two off to?”
“Papa wants Lucy to see the garden and the horses.” Reggie’s face lit up with excitement as she turned to Lucy. “Lucy do you like puppies?”
“Oh… I love puppies.” Lucy grinned at her. What a sweet little girl. She smiled when she looked up at John and Stella as they watched them eat breakfast. “What are you going to show me first?”
“The garden,” Reggie nodded at Stella when she smiled at her. “It’s my favoritist place.”
“Okay then… lead the way.” Lucy said as she stood and held her hand out to Reggie. “I’m all yours Reggie.”
Reggie giggled and then shouted goodbye to John and Stella as she pulled Lucy through the door. They could still hear her voice as they made their way into the garden. Stella held the door open till she couldn’t hear them anymore.
“I don’t believe it John. That child hasn’t said two words to a stranger for so long. Do you think its Lucy? I really hope so; I think Dean is taken with her too.”
“Now Stella, I don’t want you gossiping. We just need to sit back and watch all this play out.” John said as he smiled dotingly at his wife. He had seen the way Dean had kissed Lucy the night before, he saw how they had looked at each other. He respected Dean; he just hoped that he had good intentions towards Lucy. It didn’t matter that she had been married and had a grown son. She was still naïve, and she definitely wasn’t the kind of woman that Dean was used to dealing with.
Reggie pulled Lucy further and further into the garden and promised to show her the best spots. Lucy tried her best to keep up with the child and still check out all the flowers and bushes that were blooming. She would have liked to move a little slower, but Reggie was impatient. They were deep inside and she led her under a trellis covered in vines and pretty pink roses.
“Wow Reggie, this is so pretty. I can see why this is your favorite place.” Lucy said. She could hear a fountain and birds were chirping and flying here and there. They came around a corner and she was surprised to see a beautiful dark haired woman sitting on a white wooden swing. She had on a lovely blue dress and she sat with her legs crossed. She had a smile on her face as she watched them come closer.
“Hello there,” Lucy said. “You must be Reggie’s mother.”
The woman smiled at Lucy and moved over on the swing so she and Reggie could sit with her. She introduced herself as Nicole, she was Dean’s sister. She opened her arms and Reggie climbed into her lap. Reggie looked up at Lucy with an odd expression and then turned back to talk to her mother. Telling her mom about how she was showing Lucy around. All three sat and talked for quite a while, and then Reggie said they needed to go to the stables before lunch. Stella would want her back at the house on time.
“I’ll see you later baby.” Nicole said. “It was nice to meet you Lucy.”
Lucy smiled and said goodbye to Nicole as Reggie pulled her towards another area of the garden. She looked back to smile at Nicole, but she was already gone.
Reggie chattered on as she led the way to the stables. They entered through a side door; she told her that she wasn’t allowed in the other stables. Max said the race horses were too cranky around kids. Lucy stifled a giggle at the child’s disgruntled expression. Lucy could immediately smell the fresh hay and amazingly the area was quite clean. Several horses thrust their delicate noses over the stall doors eager for a pat or maybe a sugar cube.
Lucy laughed as one black horse nibbled at her dress as she passed by. She let go of Reggie’s hand to reach up to touch his nose. She stroked his ears and talked to him, telling him how big and strong he was, seducing him with her voice and her hands.
Reggie stood back and watched Lucy pet her Mama’s horse. He didn’t like too many people. She didn’t know if he liked her or not, her Mama had always told her to keep away from him. Funny, Jasper seemed to like Lucy. She looked up and saw Max by the office door. He just stood there and watched Lucy. Reggie pouted. Max always paid attention to her; he said she was his girl. She walked up to him and put her hand in his to get his attention. When he looked down at her, she whispered to him. “That’s Lucy.” He smiled and touched her cheek like he always did and she was pacified.
Max stood rooted to the floor. They had all heard from Alcide that Dean had hired someone to help take care of Stan. The impression he had gotten was that she was an old lady. This lady was far from that. Jasper was in the first stall and the sun shone behind her and it seemed to hit every strand of red in her hair. She wasn’t wearing a slip under her dress and he could make out the silhouette of her body. What a site, instantly he was attracted to her. She was definitely something. He slowly moved closer to her to get a better look.
“Lucy what are you doing here?” Dean’s voice thundered from the back of the stable.
Lucy jumped and turned towards the sound of Dean’s voice, a little shocked that he sounded so angry. Jasper didn’t appreciate that she was ignoring him and he put his head down and butted it against the back of her legs, almost lifting her off the ground. She let out a startled shriek and lost her breath in the next second when she collided with a man’s muscled chest.
She looked up into incredible blue eyes and tousled sandy blonde hair; she blinked a few times, sucking in a deep breath. Holy smokes, were all the men here smoking hot or what?
“Are you okay?” Max asked her, concern in his voice.
“Uh… yes, thank you.” She looked away and saw Dean stalking towards them, unaware that she was still in Max’s arms. Great, what had she done now? She looked up at Max again and realized that he was still holding her, she pushed against his chest and he released her reluctantly. Felling flustered, she wondered briefly at the butterflies she had felt in her belly when she had looked into Max’s eyes.
“Max, why did you let her get near Jasper?” Dean asked as he took Lucy’s arm and pulled her further away from him.
“Please Dean, it’s not his fault. He wasn’t right here when we came in.”
“Sorry boss, I was working on the ledgers you asked for. I didn’t hear them come in.”
Lucy pulled her arm out of Dean’s grasp and backed away from him. She couldn’t think around this much testosterone. She looked up and found both men watching her, one with a stern expression, and the other? Well quite frankly he wasn’t disguising his interest in her. Nervously she moved back towards Reggie, seeking the safety of the child. The poor kid had no idea what to think.
“Reggie where are those puppies you promised to show me?” Lucy smiled down at her as she took her hand again and let her lead her to the back of the stables. Whew what the hell was wrong with her? She had never felt the way she did around Dean, and now there’s another guy she was attracted to. What were the odds?
Lucy realized that both Dean and Max were following them through the stable. She glanced back a few times to meet Dean’s hungry eyes. Max’s eyes she met only once and realized he was checking her out. Wow, she’d be a puddle in no time just from the looks they were giving her. Great, now she had something else to worry about.
Lucy listened to Reggie and forced herself to respond appropriately to her when she asked her questions. She seemed totally oblivious to the men that followed them.
“Lucy this is Ruby.” Reggi
e said in a quiet voice. “If she likes you, then she’ll let you see her puppies.” Reggie motioned for her to crouch down a little.
Lucy obediently squatted down a little, carefully though, she didn’t want to get her dress dirty. Ruby was a beautiful German shepherd. She perked her ears up as she came towards them. She gave Reggie a quick lick on the cheek and licked her hand when she giggled, and then she stood in front of Lucy.
Lucy held her hand out towards her so could sniff it and then Ruby pushed her nose into her hand. Lucy laughed and stroked Ruby’s head, scratching behind her ears and just above her tail on her back. She pushed against her enthusiastically and Lucy lost her balance. She felt a hand on her back to steady her and looked up into Dean’s dark eyes. She thanked him and stood up to get closer to the puppies.
She smiled and watched Reggie sit down among the whimpering puppies, heedless of the dirt on her dress. Her face was a picture of delight; Lucy wished she had her phone with her so she could take a picture. Reggie looked so happy right now, just like she had when she sat in her mother’s lap.
Max stepped past her and leaned down to pick up a rather boisterous pup. He had a big belly and he licked at his hands. Max came back to Lucy and placed the pup in her arms. He watched her when she giggled and pulled her bundle closer to her chest and he licked her neck. Max scrutinized her for a minute, her eyes glittered with humor, and she was very pretty. He glanced up and saw Dean watching at her. He had a hungry look in his eyes. Bummer, he would have to admire this lady from a distance. It had been a long time since he had seen Dean interested in a woman. Too bad it was this one. Max hated to admit defeat, but Dean was his friend as well as his boss.
“Make sure you close the gate when you’re done Reggie.” Max said. He turned towards Lucy and nodded his head to her. “It was nice to meet you Lucy.” He looked at Dean when he glanced at him. “I have the ledgers done in the office; I have to head over to the other stables for a few minutes. I’ll be back after a bit.” Dean gave him a quick nod and then he left.
“Do you like dogs Lucy?” Dean asked. He leaned against the doorjamb as he watched her.
Lucy looked up and met Dean’s eyes. He stood in the middle of a stable and he could easily grace the cover of a GQ magazine. She still couldn’t believe that she had sex with him. She knew she was blushing when he gave her a very sexy smile. Great, here she was staring at him and he was waiting for her to answer his question. She licked her dry lips and just nodded yes to him.
Dean’s gaze narrowed on her lips as her pink tongue peaked out for a second. Interesting, he made her nervous, even after they had spent the night together. “I think he likes you.” He nodded to the pup she held in her arms.
Lucy smiled up at him and then looked down at the pup she held. His nose rested against her chest as he looked into her eyes, sighing as she rubbed his belly and murmured to him.
Dean smiled; he would have to make sure that Lucy took this little guy home when she left. He felt odd thinking that way, but there was no way he could think long term with her. He’d never had any relationships that lasted. He didn’t think that Lucy would be any different. It didn’t help that most women were only interested in his money. He realized that after seeing her in Max’s arms he had to touch her somehow. He had to stake his claim on her now. He leaned out the doorway and called for Jimmy. Once the young man showed up he told him to take Reggie up to the house so she wouldn’t miss lunch.
Lucy laid the now sleeping puppy next to Ruby. She stroked her silky ears and told her what a good mom she was. She stood back up prepared to leave with Reggie, but Dean held out his hand to her, stopping her from leaving.
“Reggie go with Jimmy, you can see Lucy later.” Dean watched as Reggie carefully closed the gate.
“Okay, I’ll see you later Lucy.” She waved to her as she took Jimmy’s hand and walked with him to the house, unconcerned that Dean was keeping her new friend behind with him.
Dean took her hand and pulled her towards the office, he was in such a hurry he didn’t even realize that she was barely keeping up with him.
“Dean, what the hell are you doing?” Lucy was gasping by the time he pulled her into a room and closed the door. “What…” that was all she got out before he pushed her up against the door and kissed her fiercely.
Dean didn’t even realize that she had protested. All that mattered was that she was in his arms again. She softened against him after a few seconds and somehow he had his hand under her dress and pressed his fingers against her damp panties. Dam, she was already wet for him. He turned her around and pulled her dress up in the back to grind his erection against her. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back to kiss her deeply as he rubbed against her. She was gasping as he reached one hand inside the top of her sundress, moving from the smooth silky skin of her bare back to a soft breast. Her nipple pebbled as he sucked on the smooth skin of her neck, just below her ear. He dipped his hand inside her panties to stroke the cleft of her ass, stroking one finger into her wet channel. He groaned as she shuddered in his arms and then he leaned back to release his cock. The door rattled a little as someone knocked on it. Dean stepped back from the door and Lucy in shock.
“What the fuck? It’s the middle of the day, in the fucking stable.” He whispered harshly. What the hell had he been thinking? He hadn’t been that was the problem. He stood helpless and watched her as she trembled and panted before him, and then she realized what had happened.
Lucy moved fast slapping her dress back down and straightening the halter of her dress to cover the breast he had uncovered. She reached up to tighten the bow at her neck and saw her erect nipples and the flush in her chest. She looked like… oh God; she looked like they had just screwed like animals. Dean groaned and reached for her again, his intent clear. Lucy put both her hands up to stop him and quickly opened the door. She slipped under Max’s arm avoiding his startled gaze, and bolted out of the stable, hearing Dean’s curse from behind her.
Max looked at Dean and saw how frustrated he was, he gave him a sheepish smile. “Sorry boss, I had no idea why the door was shut, I thought Jimmy was screwing around in here again.”
Dean scrubbed his face with his hands and looked at Max. “I don’t know what the hell I was thinking? I think I had better stay away from her.”
Max knew exactly what he had been thinking and doing now. He felt bad that he had interrupted them. “Boss I hate to be the one to tell you, but I think you are hooked.” He laughed as he walked away; unaware of the turmoil his words had set off in him.
Chapter Five
Lucy heard the rumble of thunder and saw the lightning flash through the room. She loved thunderstorms. Her and Will had always sat on the porch during the summer to watch the storms. She sat up and pulled her robe over her shoulders. She shivered as she felt the smooth silk slide against her bare legs. She had opted for a satiny tank to sleep in tonight. She secretly loved the underwear and sleepwear that Stella had chosen for her. It made her feel deliciously wanton. She smiled to herself, that was a feeling that she hadn’t had in a very long time. She had lain awake for quite some time before she realized that Dean wasn’t coming to see her tonight. She tried not to be disappointed, but her body still ached for him. It hurt a little, especially with the way she had left him this afternoon. She still couldn’t believe she had let that happen. It was hard to admit, but she realized that she would do anything for him. His controlling nature turned her on, that was so unusual for her. The few men in her life that had tried to control her had swiftly been kicked to the curb.
She padded softly to the balcony and opened the glass doors that led to it. The long porch was covered and there were chairs scattered around. She walked to the rail and leaned against the pillar, resting her cheek on the smooth wood. The storm was getting closer, the lightning and thunder coming together violently. She stretched her arms over her head and then leaned her elbows against the railing, rolling her back and feeling her muscles move fluidly. She
sighed as she realized that this was the first time that she had actually felt homesick. Even though she had talked to Will that morning she still missed him terribly.
Dean sat outside his bedroom door on the balcony. Many times he had approached the door that connected his room to Lucy’s, but Max’s words came back to haunt him again and again. Was he really hooked? He wanted her. She had quickly become important to him and that really bothered him. He knew if he saw her tonight they would end up in bed together. He puffed his cigar, waiting for the storm to end. He didn’t think he would be able to sleep tonight; his body was in a state of constant need for her. Maybe a cold shower would help. It had taken him hours to cool down after they had almost fucked in the stable. Where was his control that he prided himself on? He would do his best to avoid her from now on. He still couldn’t believe what he had almost done. Anyone could have heard them. If Max would have showed up a few seconds later he would have been deep inside her and he knew neither of them would have been quiet. He stood up and stretched, but stopped mid-stretch. He heard a small noise and then Lucy came out onto the balcony. He watched her for a few minutes, clenching his fists and willing his body to calm itself. A rumble of thunder rolled and drowned out the deep groan he released. He watched helplessly as she moved and leaned on the railing, her delicious ass tensed in the air for a few breathless seconds. He moved along the wall, unable to fight his need for her anymore.